Thursday, August 30, 2012

About Me!

Hey guys,  my name is Morgan Ellis I'm 18 years old. I'm from a very small town called Bridgeport, AL. Where I'm from two towns, Bridgeport and Stevenson, come together to create our high school North Jackson. Its a very small school that mainly focuses on football and cheerleading. All four years of high school I was a cheerleader for sidelines and competition, I loved every minuet of it! We're not just a team were one big family, once your in this family your always apart of it. All four years we won 4a Alabama state championship and the past two years we made top ten at UCA nationals which is one of the biggest high school national competition in the Unites States.

I have two brothers and a sister, but I'm my moms only child. Shes going crazy because I've left home and trying to drive me crazy right with her! My two cousins are more like my brothers instead of cousins, most of the time we introduce ourselves as brothers and sister. Jeremy the oldest is my rock I go to him for anything and everything! I have two dogs and a godson named Caiden, he is the absolute cutest little boy you will ever see! To find out a little more you can add me on facebook.