The reason I chose college, besides with my
dad there is no other choice, I think it will help make sure that I will make
better money in the future to support me then way later on my family. I never
really thought about college until the beginning of my senior year! Yes, I
procrastinate anything and everything! The more I started thinking about it I
started thinking of like how I love the fact that I get to further my education
especially since not many people are able to for all different reasons, so if you
have a perfect opportunity why not take full advantage of it? If you think
about it, now there are so many people without jobs and most of them are people
who don't have a college degree. When I get older get married
and have kids or whatever I end up doing in life I know I'm going to want the very
best of everything. Already in a store I always find the most expensive thing
they have and automatically want it! I never try it just happens that way even
in the cheapest of stores, my dad tells me that’s the main reason why I need to
go to school so I can try to get one of the best jobs so I can afford to buy
whatever I want. By the time I graduate college I think it will be even a
bigger aspect of any job to have college experience, especially for the big
bucks. I personally want to be able to provide the best for my family and
me and not have to have time where I’m worried if we will have food to eat or
how the heck will I be able to pay for just my very basic bills. I try my best
to be a very independent person I never want to have to be a bum or depend on
anyone to be able to support myself, no matter if it is my parents or heaven
forbid a man! I'm from a very small town and I see people struggling with
finding jobs every day and I would rather not have to worry about it. Just
about every person who is struggling with no job or a very low paying job
always stresses to me how important it is to go to college and get my degree
and I think if that many people say almost the exact same thing it has to be
true that they just don’t make it up. Another reason is because even though he
didn’t attend college my dad is a very successful businessman and I look up to
him for that! The way I look at is what all could he had achieved if he had
been able to go to college? That made me want to strive to get in to school so
maybe one day I can be just as successful or even maybe more than he is, and I
know the only way I can do so is to go to school and finish also. I think I
made a great decision by choosing JSU its not too far away from home, but it’s
far enough to get away. This is going to be a good experience for me to be able
to get away from home so I can learn all of the responsibilities that come with
the real world. Sure I’m not having to pay bills or nothing big right now, this
is just getting my feet wet. But its going to teach me how to be more
responsible with my money because anything I want now that mommy and daddy
aren’t around to buy it, I have to! If I need drinks or snacks in my dorm room
I have to go get it myself on my time. None of there things are a big deal but
it does make me realize how much my parents do for me. Being away at college from
all of my family and most all of my friends is giving me a new great chance to
be able to branch out and to meet new people, that if I had not chose to go to
college I would probably never get a chance to get to meet!
Same as you, with my parents there really was no option but to attend school, but I am realizing why they raised me that way. I also believe just as you do that having a degree is critical when it comes down to a career and being able to provide for a family! I am from Atlanta and everywhere you look there are homeless people or people begging for any type of work just to feed their family. It absolutely kills me to see this and just motivates me to strive for more in life in the sense of education. I never want to wonder if my kids or wife will be able to eat a meal because I can't provide! I believe that as a man it will be my duty as a husband eventually to provide for my family, I do know that a lot of times women are equally as capable or actually more than capable to provide for their family but to me that is the fundamental role as a husband. So I see exactly where your coming from and agree completely!
ReplyDeleteI can completely relate to the liking of expensive things. It's like no matter how hard you try you still manage to pick THE single most expensive thing in the whole store. I also can relate to the needing to learn how to manage money. It's hard when mom and dad have always been there to pay for stuff and then once your in the real world its like BAM you have to know how to handle money or you are out of luck. Hopefully we can both work on these things to make it easier on ourselves in the future.
ReplyDeleteI also am in the process of trying to manage money better! I always found it easy to meet people back home but college has so many! I was overwhelmed because I came from a really small town. My parents have been telling me since i started school that when I graduated high school I needed to continue further.I feel the same about how women should be dependent and not rely on a man because anything could happen. He could become disabled or anything and either way the family still has to be fed and have a roof over their head. That kind of mentality will take you far! I wish you all the luck!