Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog Reflection

In this blog post, I will be going over three of my previous blog posts. I will discuss what I think are their strong points, how they portray me as a writer, and my personal opinions of them and their content. I hope that I can give words of wisdom to whoever reads them, preparing them for college, and the college experience.

The first post I am going to reflect on is Share or Die: Heartbeat and Hashtags. I am satisfied with this blog post because I thoroughly enjoyed the story, thus making it an easy topic on which to write. This story was inspiring, because it was about a girl who gave up her time to give back to the community, but on the other hand, it was also very eye-opening, because it demonstrated society’s reliance on the internet. Although I appreciate the internet, and what it has done for our society, I personally think that we tend to rely on the internet for too much. We also tend to make snap judgements on companies, just based on something as trivial as their website. I think that we should start making our own opinions based on our own research. We shouldn’t just rely on the internet to do this for us. So, this blog post was one of my favorites because of the points that it brought to the table. To me, I think that while we should appreciate modern conveniences, we should do things for ourselves as well. I also think that in this blog, I demonstrated one of my strengths as a writer, by giving a detailed description of the story, and of my own personal opinion.

Next, I am going to talk about my post: Is College Enough? This post reflects some of my views along with various other blogger’s views about college in general. In this blog, I raised some serious questions and concerns that the average student might have about going to college. Some students have qualms about college because they think that it might not be necessary. Then there are others who have concerns that college just might not be enough. In this blog post I addressed these common concerns. Some people think that college is unnecessary simply because it is so hard to find a job once you graduate. Then there are others who would say that going to college was one of the best decisions they ever made. They think that not only did it prepare them for their career, but it also helped them grow emotionally, and in maturity. I believe that in this blog post, I showed my strength in writing in general, and I used many examples to back up my statements. (statistics, quotes, etc.)
            The last blog post that I am going to review is my blog: What is college for? In this blog I discussed what college is really about. I talked about how you should go to college for the right reasons, and what exactly to expect from your college experience. A lot of people think of college as one big party, and some think of it as a “four-year intelligence test.” There are many misconceptions about college that students need to sort out before they take the leap. I consider this post my strongest piece because I am most passionate about it’s content, and I strongly believe that students should seriously consider the college experience, and what it entails, before deciding to go. A lot of people go to college straight out of high school, not because they made that decision themselves, but because society makes them feel as though they need to. Or because “everyone else does.” College isn’t always the best decision for everyone. Do what you do because you want to, not because you think it is the acceptable thing to do. There are many things that one should consider before going to college. But if you do decide to go, fully commit yourself to it. A lot of people do think of college as a time in your life where you can just have fun. Although you should have fun in college, it is also a time where you should be serious about your studies. If you do that, you will be successful in your college career. Because it just could be the best decision you ever make for your future.
 In conclusion, I personally think that these blog posts were the most pointed and opinionated of them all, and I think they are the most informative.

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